Patient is a 45-year-old female who had recently underwent minimally invasive surgery of the face and jawline with another surgeon, and still did not feel attractive. She wondered what I could do to make her feel beautiful. She had concerns about her “pudgy nose” that lacked angularity and definition, and the feeling that her upper eyes appeared heavy making her look too serious and tired. It was explained that her brow had in fact descended, and that she would benefit from a browlift to complement her nasal surgery.
Procedure: Septorhinoplasty with placement of a superior fascial graft to the top of the nose to soften the deep radix (the takeoff between the forehead and nose), along with softening and narrowing the nasal bones, and contouring of the nasal tip cartilages through reduction and suture techniques. Cartilage grafts were placed to increase nasal tip projection and produce angularity, and nostrils were proportionately reduced. She also underwent simultaneous Endoscopic Browlift and fat transfer to the lower eyes, midface, nasolabial creases and upper and lower lips. After these procedures the patient felt beautiful with increased self-esteem, and vigor for life, going on to lose the 20 pounds she could not lose in the past.
Patient: 122146551
Patient is a 60-year-old female who wanted to appear younger and more attractive but was afraid of a facelift. She felt that her face looked quite long and gaunt, and knew that her face had lost considerable volume with age. She specifically wanted to address her forehead and eyes, and also wanted to treat the considerable sun-damage of her skin after years of hiking.
Endoscopic Browlift, Upper and lower blepharoplasty, full face erbium laser resurfacing, and autogenous fat transfer to the face for a total of 93cc including the upper and lower eyes, cheekbones, cheeks, jawline, upper and lower lips.
Patient: 17344090
65 year-old-female who feels that she looks much older than her stated age. She had long standing brow asymmetry, and did not like the wrinkles of her forehead, her significant facial drooping and neck laxity, and the wrinkles around her mouth. She desired to look younger and more attractive.
High SMAS Facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy, perioral dermabrasion, and fat injections to the lower eyelids, nasolabial folds, cheekbones, jawline, cheeks, and upper and lower lips.
Patient: 17344092
Patient is a 68-year-old female who had been bothered by her puffy eyes and heavy brow that made her look both tired and angry when she was not. She stated that her eyes had always been her best feature, but no one even noticed anymore. She had long been bothered by her eyebrow asymmetry and wanted to address this at the same time.
Endoscopic browlift, Upper and lower blepharoplasty with canthopexy, and autogenous fat transfer to the face for a total of 9cc, including the nasolabial crease and midface. She was delighted with the result.
Patient: 17344096
Patient is a 53-year-old female who underwent a previous browlift and upper and lower blepharoplasty 15 years prior to presentation. 15 years post-operatively she felt that her eyes looked puffy and ill-defined and lacked the “sexy” appearance they had before her initial eyelid surgery. She felt that her brows had descended and wanted the arched eyebrows that always accentuated her lovely eyes. She wanted to appear younger and more attractive.
Upper and lower blepharoplasty, Lateral temporal browlift, and autogenous fat transfer to the face for a total of 34cc, including lower eyes, midface, cheekbones, jawline, chin, and corners of the mouth.
Patient: 17344098
Patient is a 49-year-old female who felt that she looked very fatigued and angry and wanted to appear softer and more attractive. Specifically, she was bothered by her asymmetrtic eyebrows and the harshness of her mouth that always appeared stern looking and gave the wrong impression to others. She had lost significant volume in her face in her late 40’s, including along her jawline and chin. She wanted to look younger and more relaxed.
High SMAS Facelift, Endoscopic browlift, and autogenous fat transfer to the face for a total of 72cc including the forehead and temples, upper and lower eyes, cheekbones and cheeks, upper and lower lips, jawline and chin.
Patient: 17344102
Patient is a 66-year-old female who in the last ten years had noticed progressive loss of her defining facial features most notably her bone structure and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. She had lost weight in the recent past, and this combined with menopause had left her skin blotchy, loose and with poor elasticity. She wanted to appear younger and more attractive with better definition of her once high cheekbones and strong jawline.
High SMAS facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower bepharoplasty with canthopexy, fat transfer to the face including perioribital, cheekbones, jawline and lips for a total of 33cc and full face erbium laser resurfacing. She also underwent an upper lip-lift. Photographs are one year post op.
Patient: 17344105
Patient is a 54-year-old female who underwent a previous upper blepharoplasty years ago with another surgeon and since then felt that her eyes lost the crispness and definition that they once had. She also felt that her brow appeared heavy and wrinkled and because she likes to remain thin and fit, the patient felt that her face looked rather gaunt and was looking to regain the youthful voluptuousness that her face possessed when she was younger.
Endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty with 35% TCA chemical peel of the lower eyes. She also underwent autogenous fat transfer to the face for a total of 24cc, including lower eyes and tear-trough, midface, nasolabial folds, jawline, and chin.
Patient: 17344109
43-year-old female who wanted the attractive features she had when she was younger. Specifically, she wanted to make her forehead and eyes appear more beautiful and relaxed, and wanted to treat her neck fullness and thin lips.
Endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, liposuction of the neck, fat injections to the lips, perioral dermabrasion.
Patient: 17344111
52-year-old female athletic trainer who thought that she looked tired and much older than she felt. She wanted to look younger and more beautiful.
Endoscopic brow lift, lower blepharoplasty, fat injections to the lips and nasolabial folds, perioral dermabrasion, and removal of moles of the face.
Patient: 17344113
43-year-old female marathon runner with a history of significant sun exposure. She wanted to address the deep wrinkles of her forehead, her tired looking eyes, and desired to make her lips more attractive.
Coronal brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, lip augmentation with alloderm® graft, perioral dermabrasion.
Patient: 17344115
39-year-old female who desired to look less tired and more attractive. She was bothered by the fatigued appearance that her puffy eyes and lax brow gave her, and stated that this seemed to run in her family. She also wanted to refine her nose.
Endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty with refinement of the nasal tip and dorsum.
Patient: 17344124